The long road of the Republican with “integrity”...
First he de-legitimized the African-American President, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not African-American.
Then he denigrated Mexicans, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not Mexican.
Then he denigrated a prisoner of war, and I remained supportive -
Because I never went to war for my country (or if I was one of the extremely few who did, you know, party unity...).
Then he implied a journalist was on her period, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not a woman (or if I was, I could believe he didn’t really mean it).
Then he questioned the loyalty of American Muslims, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not a Muslim.
Then he mocked a disabled man, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not disabled.
Then he called for a religious purity test, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not a Muslim.
Then he advocated violence at his rallies, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not a protester.
Then he claimed ignorance of the KKK, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not African-American.
Then he said a judge was unfit because of where his parents were born, and I remained supportive -
Because my parents were born here (or if my name was Ted Cruz, I would hold off on supporting him for a little while).
Then he favorably quoted Mussolini, and I remained supportive -
Because that guy knew how to be a leader.
Then he suggested assassination of his opponent, and I remained supportive -
Because my initials are not HRC.
Then he denigrated refugees, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not a five year old girl whose parents had been killed in a civil war.
Then he called on a dictatorship to commit cyber-crime against my country, and I remained supportive -
Because it was only against Democrats.
Then he denigrated parents whose son had been killed fighting for my country, and I remained supportive -
Because I never went to war for my country.
Then he said the President founded a terrorist organization, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not a Democrat.
Then he changed my party platform to make it more palatable to a Russian dictator, and I remained supportive -
But I can't remember why.
Then he said we should go to war over a crude hand gesture, and I remained supportive -
Because neither I nor any of my family are in the military.
Then he shamed and ridiculed a pageant contestant, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not a Latina woman.
Then he bribed a state Attorney General with charity money, and I remained supportive -
Because that's just good politics.
Then he settled business lawsuits with charity money, and I remained supportive -
Because that's just good business.
Then he broke US laws by doing business in a Communist country, and I remained supportive -
Because that's just good business.
Then he called five innocent men, exonerated by facts and science, guilty, and I remained supportive -
Because I was not African-American.
Then he bragged of sexually assaulting white women,
Wait! I am (or my mother is) a white woman...
Don't rush me! I'm thinking...
(credit to Pastor Martin Niemöller)