This is getting out of control! And The Cheeto Prophet can add this as another stain on his black soul, if there’s any more room left. His undying love affair with, and his verbal sneak support for the alt-right has emboldened these Y-Chromosome mutants, and they’re taking full advantage of the opportunity to hate in the open again.
Now it’s happened in New Jersey. Peter Jacob is running for Jersey’s 7th Congressional seat. He is running against incumbent Leonard Lance (R), a Trump supporter, and it just got vile. The Huffington Post is reporting that Peter Jacob woke up on Friday to find swastikas painted on his sidewalk. Two days later the back wall of his home was covered with the vile symbol.
This is not politics, not even New Jersey politics. This is intimidation and a hate crime, pure and simple and it must stop. Count Trumpula has let these howler monkeys out of their cage, now it’s his job to put them back where they belong.
Jacob’s opponent came out in the media and strongly condemned the events. It might have been more believable if he wasn’t taking such a load of shit over his head on his Facebook from people excoriating him for his fawning support of Mein Furor. You know, the one who is enabling all of this with his rhetoric in the first place? Rings kind of hollow, doesn't it?
Fortunately Peter Jacob is made of stronger stuff. His lineage tracks back to India, not the Middle east, so much for White Supremacist fact checking machine, huh? He was raised in Union City New Jersey. While working towards a Masters in social work from top ranked Washington University, he was an activist. He worked with the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, along with local groups combating human trafficking, child abuse, and the Iraq war. I love this guy!
His platform is strong. He wants improved pre-K to 12 education, and government paid public Universities and trade schools for free education to those who qualify. He supports universal health care and lower prescription prices. He supports closing the “gun show” loophole, and renewing the ban on assault weapons. He supports civil rights improvements, the fair pay act, and including the LGBTQ community into civil rights legislation. See why I love this guy?
This should be a no brainer. Jersey is a Blue state, and Jacob’s opponent is an unrepentant Trump supporter. Governor Buddha is in a state of siege, and his popularity is so far underwater that he needs a periscope to see the surface. If we’re going to make a national statement repudiating The Trumpster Fire and his hate mongering supporters, why not stick it in the eye of the local pinheads in New Jersey while we’re at it?
Peter is already listed on the outstanding To learn more about Peter Jacob, you can go HERE. To chip into his campaign, you can click HERE. And to wear out your dialing finger, or your new shoes helping him in person, pootle on over HERE.
Come on people, let’s help not only to send a good solid progressive to Congress, not just to flip another much needed seat, but to send a strong message to all the haters out there that there’s a new Sheriff in town! Waddaya say?
Thanks as always for reading, and GO Blue!