Former People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff has produced six witnesses who say she told them about Donald Trump “pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat” shortly after the attack happened. Not only that, but one can directly contradict Melania Trump’s claims in her threatened lawsuit. (Because of course the Trumps are threatening to sue.)
Stoynoff asked to be reassigned from covering the Trumps, reasonably enough considering that, again, Donald pushed her against a wall and forced his tongue down her throat. But she didn’t go public because, as her former journalism professor says, “I advised her not to say anything, because I believed Trump would deny it and try to destroy her.”
While Donald Trump is denying that the entire incident ever happened, his wife has demanded a retraction of a very specific part of the story. Stoynoff writes that she ran into Melania Trump on the street some time after the assault and Melania asked “why don’t we see you anymore?” Melania’s lawyers claim that “At the time in question, Mrs. Trump would not have even recognized Ms. Stoynoff if they had encountered one another on the street,” citing Stoynoff’s claim as an actionable false statement. Because “I ran into his wife on the street the year after he assaulted me” is the problematic part of Stoynoff’s story. But Stoynoff was with a friend at the time, who corroborates her account of Melania being friendly. (Also, if Melania Trump doesn’t remember and be friendly with the reporters who write major feature stories on her for popular magazines, she is not doing her job as Donald Trump’s wife.)
Stoynoff’s friends have better memories:
“She was very upset and told me how he shoved her against a wall,” says [People east coast editor Liz] McNeil.
She adds, “The thing I remember most was how scared she was. I felt I had to protect her.”
By coming forward with her story, Stoynoff is helping to protect the country from Donald Trump.
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