Recently I wrote a DIARY about Paula Hawks trying to unseat the GOP Trumperhead Kristi Noem. How quickly things change. They held their first debate on Monday night, and it was televised. They each started out with an opening statement, and for Noem it was typical GOPasaur blather. Kids chasing potential, small businesses chasing a buck, yada, yada yada. Then it was Paula Hawks’ turn, and she made an immediate impact. From an ARTICLE in this was part of her opening statement;
"There's one more story that I wish to share with you. And it's something that I never would have thought I would talk about publicly. I am a survivor of sexual assault. I was raped in college by a man in a position of power over me. So I understand how devastating sexual assault can be," Paula Hawks said.
This was not a bombshell, this was a nuclear explosion! I am getting misty eyed as I type this. This is supposed to be politics. For Paula Hawks to come out in public, and admit to such a deep and personal pain leaves me in awe. I have just found a new hero. Did I mention that Kristi Noem fully supports the “Locker Room Trash Talking Guy”? Then they got a question from a viewer, about being women in politics and their view of The Orange Julius’ recent comments. Noem was word salad. She didn’t condone Trump’s comments, but Hillary for 30 years blah, blah, blah, so she’d vote for Trump. This was where Paula’s courage in bringing up her personal pain paid off, “Bigly”. She said;
"That speaks to the character of the individual. And what we've seen from Donald Trump even in the past two weeks, his behavior and his language and his words have conveyed to me, that he has no respect for women," Hawks said.
As Jon Stewart used to say, “BOOM!!!”. In two sentences she exposed Kristi Noem for exactly what she is, A craven little toady, slavishly following the party line, irregardless of the consequences. And now everybody who matters has seen it.
Noem later released a statement expressing her horror at what had happened to Paula Hawks, And expressing her sympathy and personal support. One simple question Kristi. Where the hell was that during the debate, when you had the chance to look her right in the eye?!? Kristi Noem committed an act of personal and human cowardice.
Paula Hawks followed up with an op-ed piece in going into greater detail. I highly encourage you to read it, it is simple, powerful, and moving.
Folks, this should be a no brainer! You have a courageous, principled woman going up against a craven GOP hack. If you live in South Dakota and you can’t get behind Paula Hawks, I honestly don’t know who can get through to you.
Come on Kossacks, let’s show Paula all of the love we can, support her and get her over the finish line! If you want to learn more about Paula, you can go HERE. To donate to her fight, you can go HERE. And to hit the stump for Paula, or educate your friends and neighbors by phone, you can go HERE. Come on people, let’s give South Dakota a breath of fresh air!
Thanks as always for reading, and GO Blue!