To put it simply, while I don’t see any evidence Hillary Clinton has ever done anything one could realistically call corrupt, let alone prison-worthy, Trump and his stooges have been calling her “corrupt Hillary” ever since the email tempest began. Now of course he and his creepizoid contingent and even liberal commentators are calling the Comey letter a bombshell.
One fairly reasonable Trump supporter on MSNBC said a voter’s choice comes down to whether they want to vote for crazy or corrupt. His view was that crazy was a better choice than corrupt.
To say that is to compare the well documented and repeatedly manifest demonstrations of Trump’s mental instability to the unproven allegations of Hillary being corrupt. This is an example of drawing a false equivalence. This is a common mistake in logic, i.e. “a fallacy to be perpetuated is one shared trait between two subjects is assumed to show equivalence, especially in order of magnitude, when equivalence is not necessarily the logical result. False equivalence is a common result when an anecdotal similarity is pointed out as equal, but the claim of equivalence doesn't bear because the similarity is based on oversimplification or ignorance of additional factors.” Wikipedia
This all being said, if Hillary was as corrupt as Boss Tweed I would still say that I’d rather have a sane corrupt president than a crazy one.
My hunch is that as few votes will be changed by the latest email news as the latest groping allegation against Trump. Trump will waste time ranting about this, making more out of it than there seems to be (the emails didn’t come from Hillary’s email server), and not talking about policy off the teleprompter. Good!