I believe Trump is history challenged. I mean, word has just come out that he had to ask what a Gold Star Family was after he insulted the Khans. But it is hard to believe he doesn’t know that Watergate was the biggest scandal in presidential history, one involving audacious criminality and a conspiracy orchestrated by the president himself.
Regardless, he has gone beyond “merely” equating the email server hyped-by-him story into an outrage-worthy scandal “worse than Watergate.” He is saying this to hysterically happy cheering crowds that now that Comey has, Trump wants them to believe, all but had the FBI perp walk with Hillary in cuffs en route directly to prison.
If Trump wasn’t in a coke fueled haze and so busy groping women during his playboy days in the early seventies he couldn’t have missed the facts as they spun out of control once the Woodward and Bernstein nuclear bombshell exploded, and the Oval Office tapes came out.
He knows that there is no way on God’s green earth or in the marble and gold leaf halls of Trump Tower that even at it’s worse, the email server problem is a worse scandal than Watergate. He and his surrogates all know that it was at worst a case of very poor judgement by the less than Internet savvy Hillary. They also know what we know that the people to blame are the IT people who advised her to use a private server.
If Trump had a real sense of humor instead of making a leering joke about Anthony Weiner, “you know what I mean,” something his audience didn’t even appear to get, he’d promise to do what Gerald Ford did with Nixon.
That would be moderately funny. However his audience would probably boo because he has them so vehemently convinced Hillary is a demon they want her in prison, or worse.