I woke up to this story and read the following on the website that broke the story. Talk about bias!
Let’s get this right out: Bernie Sander has come out and said that he agrees with her assessment!
The email, which Mellul sent to Nick Merrill, Clinton’s traveling press secretary, contained an audio file of Clinton’s remarks to donors at a McLean, Virginia, fundraiser. In her remarks, she derisively wrote off Sanders (emphasis added) supporters and made other comments that would draw attention when the audio became public. From freebeacon.com/…
It seems to me that her remark was sympathetic, and while her unfortunate use of the generally insulting meme “living in their parent’s basement” it is true that many college graduates can’t afford to move out of their parents house because they are unable to get jobs that will enable them to live on their own. Many no doubt live with roommates and housemates while they’d rather have places of their own.
Here’s more — note the use of the word “roiled.” Look at all the revelations about Trump and this is what it takes to roil the race about Hillary!
The Sanders question prompted a response from Clinton that has roiled the presidential race since Republican candidate Donald Trump seized on it on Saturday in an attempt to drive a wedge between Clinton and the energetic coalition that supported Sanders’ candidacy.
“Some are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession and they are living in their parents’ basement. They feel they got their education, and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves, and they don’t see much of a future,” Clinton said at the event.
Trump highlighted the comments in a Saturday speech. “Hillary Clinton thinks Bernie supporters are hopeless and ignorant basement dwellers,” he said. <( this was a link to the Trump website. I looked at it so you don’t have to give them a click to read his disgusting words. I put them at the bottom of this story.)
Let me play truth checker, emphasis on the word some (obvious not all or even the majority)
- True “Some are new to politics completely.
- Mostly True They’re children of the Great Recession
- Partially true and they are living in their parents’ basement.
- Partially true They feel they got their education, and the jobs that are available to them are
- Partially true not at all what they envisioned for themselves,
- Partially true and they don’t see much of a future,
Now, watching MSNBC, the story is being covered with a Clinton spokesperson about to come on to talk about the issue….
This is a hyped up scandal. I wonder if Trump and his minions will be able to make it stick in any significant way. I have been adding to my original “pictoon” about how nothing seems to break the back of the orange beast despite the fact that if anything nearly as horrendous as what’s come out about Trump came out about her it would be wall to wall media coverage for weeks.
The following is from the Trump website:
**Remarks As Prepared**
A new audio tape that has surfaced from another one of Hillary’s high-dollar fundraisers shows her demeaning and mocking Bernie Sanders supporters.
In the tape, Hillary attacks Sanders supporters as “living in their parents’ basements,” and trapped in dead-end careers. She describes many of them as ignorant, that they want the United States to be more like Scandinavia but that “half the people don’t know what that means.”
To sum up, Hillary Clinton thinks Bernie supporters are hopeless and ignorant basement dwellers.
Then, of course, she thinks people who vote for Trump are deplorable and irredeemable.
And let’s not forget, at the recent debate, Hillary Clinton all but said that most of the country is racist, including the men and women of law enforcement.
In short, if you are not a diehard Hillary Clinton supporter from Day One, Hillary Clinton thinks you are a defective human being.
How on earth can Hillary Clinton try to lead this country when she has nothing but contempt for the people who live in this country?
She slanders and attacks anyone who wants to put America First, whether they are Trump Voters or Bernie Voters.
Monday, Oct 3, 2016 · 4:36:36 PM +00:00
Trump can’t help being Trump… UPDATE from this morning — a far more damning comment than what Hillary said by a mile, a remark which is also demonstrably untrue (I worked with Vietnam combat vets with PTSD and I can attest to that)...
Donald Trump on Monday suggested to a room full of veterans that soldiers who return from war suffering from PTSD are not “strong” and “can’t handle it.”
The GOP presidential candidate’s statement came during a Q&A at the Retired American Warriors Pac. Some of the questions were about the suicide epidemic in the military and criticism of the Veterans Administration (VA) for falling short on providing veterans with the mental health treatment they need.
After saying there are around 22 veteran suicides a day, Trump explained to the room of veterans what PTSD was.
“When people come back from war and combat and they see maybe what the people in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it,” Trump said.
There was a silence in the room after his statement, and people on social media were quick to express anger toward his comments. www.buzzfeed.com/…
Hopefully this draft dodger will have shot himself in the foot with some military veterans and active duty soldiers.