Lame political excuses department:
“This is locker room banter. Bill Clinton said worse to me on the golf course.”
Last week I wrote “What will be the final straw,” adding, for the Dicken’s fans “consider Mr. Dombey and his woes” because the straw that broke the protagonist of “Dombey and Sons” was a minor one compered to what he suffered before.
This an abbreviated version, taken Dickens out, of what I wrote:
I’ve added to this “picoton” (above) periodically, wondering why nothing, from bombshell or smaller explosive device, blew up the orange beast. Nothing stuck.
We’ve been counting the bombshells one after another and keep thinking one will finally break Trump and turn a significant number of his less hypnotized supporters away from him.
One might be tempted to say “he’s only human” when speculating that they has to be a cumulative effect on him. But he’s not a typical human.
As many have said, he and his core supporters live in an impermeable bubble. But despite that psychological phenomena of delusion combined with wishful thinking combined with the extreme narcissism of Trump himself something has to seep through the wall of defenses.
At some level he has to know that things have gone horribly wrong for him. I am sure he doesn’t dwell on this, and neither do his strong supporters.
So what could be the last straw?
It could be something comparatively insignificant.
I won’t bother adding what I’m referring to since by now since you already know this will be the worst crude misogynistic thing Trump has already said. You can read the words he said here.
Chris Mathews calls it a potential bombshell. How often have we used this word?
On a strictly bomb worthy measurement this isn’t even a megaton — the Eichenwald and Farenthold revelations were called bombshells, and when launched indeed that had multiple super megaton warheads. But none of them went off.
My hunch is that 1) they were too complex and 2) not that many undecided or committed Trump voters care. In addition these voters don’t see that they all fit a long standing pattern of Trump’s behavior.
Mathews asks “is this the cliff he can fall off.”
Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post made the insightful that this didn’t only show what a disgusting person Trump is when it comes to women, but in other comments about how he could get away with such behavior he bragged about his position of power.
Trump is not denying the veracity of the tape. He can’t. Some commentators are basically saying that Trump just has to make an apology that sticks, which to me is ridiculous since Trump already dismissed it as part of his being in the entertainment business.
You don’t have to have a crystal ball to say that if anything could squeeze politics into the hurricane coverage (which I wrote about yesterday) it is a sex story with a presidential story that comes along with a lewd soundtrack?
I put a poll on after every bombshell story. Most of you, about 75%, didn’t think the story would have much impact and would die out within a week or two.
Now let’s see what you think about the negative impact on Trump?
I thought I’d have to wait until tomorrow morning to see the NY Daily News front page…. which as I write this is being viewed by millions of people in the five boroughs.