Dave Brat (VA-7) has yet to say a word against his pal, sexual predator Donald Trump (see my Daily Kos article on their long-standing ties). In fact, he recently held a rally to get out the vote for Trump in his district. Brat has been going around touting his book, American Underdog: Proof that Principles Matter, but apparently they don’t matter to him. Or perhaps his principles include keeping women in their place?
Brat is a co-sponsor of H.R. 816, which would “implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to the Constitution for the right to life of each born and preborn human person” and so prohibit abortion from the moment of conception. There are no exceptions made in cases of rape or incest or even if the mother’s life is endangered.
Eileen Bedell flanked by Anne Holton and Tim Kaine
Fortunately, voters in Virginia’s 7th have a great alternative in Eileen Bedell. She believes in a woman’s right to choose. Period. We need to keep Trump from office, but we also need to give Hillary a progressive Congress. Getting Brat out and Eileen in is of interest to us all!
See Eileen on the issues and please donate to her campaign.