I expect all of you know that Donald Trump and National Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years. ( nymag.com/… ).
This morning, once again I had to go through the check-out aisle of magazine Hell. Only now the election is over and the National Enquirer’s hero defeated their treasonous villain.
Yet what do I see next to the pre-election edition of the equally in the tank for Trump and anti-hillary Globe (left)?
Of course the usual heavy on red and yellow on black National Enquirer cover screaming another hateful message at me and my fellow mostly liberal Portland, Oregon shoppers.
The National Enquirer is telling hundreds of thousands, probably millions, of shoppers around the country that Hillary and Huma are going to jail for treason, influence peddling, and bribery.
Kind of given less prominence between that headline and the ones about the sex abuse cover-up, the secret hospitalization and truth about the gay affair, and Hillary being caught destroying Obama’s legacy is the absolutely incredible bombshell about Putin’s spy files!
Not the Washington Post, not the New York Times, not Newsweek, Time nor Mother Jones.
Not even from Wikileaks. The National Enquirer scopes all these investigative news organizations with one of the biggest scoops since the Rosenberg spy case.
I was already seething with anger as I was about to click publish when I thought I checked the National Enquirer online and, not to my surprise, found they are shamelessly gloating over predicting Trump would win (left).
Now I am really, really pissed.
So, readers, here’s my poll. My answer is “other” because I have opened it and used my iPhone to take pictures of the articles in case I
wanted to write about them.