There are a number of special elections coming up across the country to fill seats that were vacated on Nov. 8, including in the Virginia House of Delegates - 85th District.
We can help send a strong response to Trump by making sure as many Democrat's win those elections as possible.
Might be a nice way to focus angry energy.
Let's put a strong, smart woman in office. Cheryl Turpin is just like you; a parent, a community member, and a lover of Virginia beach. Please give $85, to put Cheryl Turpin in the 85th house seat.
It’s been suggested that a $85 donation for the 85th district would be meaningful and it is. I’m going for $8.50 because I know that small donations add up. (And it fits my budget)
Cheryl Turpin teaches AP Environmental Studies at one of the top high schools in VA. She’s been active in politics for a long time and, in fact, was a Bernie Delegate.
She’s not a member of 90for90 yet, but she will be. She’s just getting started, but she’s ready to jump in with both feet. Her current facebook page is here. (Sorry, I can’t link it, my computer is still fried from having so many windows open election night.) Her campaign page will be up soon.
Check out Stephen Wolf’s map here to see how close the Presdiential election was in this district in 2012.
We asked for good candiates, Cheryl Turpin looks exactly like what we asked for.