I just heard this from THOM HARTMAN on Progressive radio. He said he does question the legitimacy of President Trump, reminding us that Trump questioned, really disputed, the legitimacy of President Obama for almost eight years. Trump accused the president of fraud.
Now I accuse Trump of a different kind of fraud, and not the comparatively minor fraud of Trump University.
He committed a fraud by taking in many of his zealous supporters with lie after lie after lie, starting on day one of his campaign with his claiming most Mexican illegal immigrants were rapists and murderers.
He said they should elect him based on a fabric of lies.
How can we accept the “legitimacy” of a president who blatantly lied about so many things to win? I won’t parse words, I know the dictionary definition of legitimate but also know that there are secondary meanings that are in common usage.
Yes. He is the lawfully elected president. In that respect he is the legitimate president. The fact that he won enough Electoral College votes doesn’t matter to me, because so many of those votes came from people who believed his lies.
If indeed Obama was born in Kenya, he wouldn’t have been legitimate president. He would have been an illegitimate and a fraudulent president.
We all know the lies spun out by Trump often to raucous cheers and jeers from his crowds. It makes no sense to list them here. Suffice to show what Politico found covering his statement for just five days in August:
- Number of appearances: six speeches, one town hall, seven TV interviews, zero press availabilities, 37 tweets
- Combined length of remarks (speeches, interviews): four hours, 43 minutes
- Raw number of misstatements, exaggerations, falsehoods: 87
- Rate: One untruth every 3.25 minutes
Trump is not my president. Not because I didn’t vote for him. Rather he’s not my president because enough of the people who made the difference between his winning and losing voted for him because they believed his lies.
Barring a miracle, the Electoral College is about to elect a charlatan as president.