Donald Trump Elected President; Now, We’ll Have A Brawl, That Will, Go Viral. It Will Concentrate, On Civil Rights And Environmental Protections.
The GOP will highlight everything they’ve, been trying to do all along, if Trump starts making big changes.
Then when Trump and they screw up totally, this too, it will be big news everywhere. Note To GOP: All Publicity, Is, Not, Good Publicity.
The GOP will have gotten themselves so much adverse publicity, that no one will be able to ignore it.
So This Is How It Is;
I finally stopped stroking out and decided Knowledge, Is Power!
I started researching.
I Love Research. I can research, anything.
My question: What exactly are the powers of the US President?
Kossack’s are quite correct, when they say, the President is very powerful.
Theoretically, the Presidential Powers, are great.
But, in real life, the Presidential term, is 4 years.
After that; President Trump, will be back here, in the real world with the rest of us.
My theory is, that the Republicans couldn’t find anyone else to do the job, that’s, how he got it. Republican Battles Won't End With Election Night Victories. Politics 2016, Election Day, Nov 10, Leigh Ann Caldwell
It’s going to be a disaster for the GOP, if Trump tries to carry through with his campaign promises, threats, whatever.
What kind of image is the GOP intending to try and develop with this election? Same old, same old, they don’t care image? Four more years of that and they will be through. Absolutely.
Nothing will change in my situation. I’m in a liberal state. I personally am not worried about, Trump coming after me. I’m worried about everyone else.
As for Trump using his Presidential powers, to do anything he wants to anyone? Again, he’s not going to be President forever, how far will he really, push his luck?
While he could un-do, Pres Obama’s executive orders, how far will Trump dare to antagonize, the populace?
I see this as a wake-up call.
With President Obama, we’ve become complacent about how bad some of, our Political leaders, thinking really is and apparently how gullible, a large segment of the population, still is.
While this is scary, I realized. Let’s be realistic.
Nothing much, has changed, anyway. The GOP has controlled Congress all through, the Obama Administration and did, as they wanted.
Except for the fact, that we and the good people in the world no longer have a Friend in the White House, nothing much, is new.
The GOP just lost their smoke screen when they elected Trump as their Republican candidate.
For the past eight years, they’ve been blaming Pres Obama for everything.
Now, they won’t be able to blame Pres Obama, anymore.
Trump and GOP will totally screw the US up. For sure, if they don’t rein in, “President, The Donald.”
Maybe then, people will understand, blame the GOP, Not Democrats and finally get their act together electing a Democratic President And Congress who will actually work together to make things better!
Our goal for the next four years; to learn how to play, the Republican way.
Looks like they played a good game of Monopoly here, grabbing the State Electors the way they did.
I’m a great Monopoly player. I can’t play Chess. But Monopoly is a game I understand.
Grab all you can, hold all you can and make everyone else pay.
BTW, I doubt if Trump’s going to ever get Mexico to pay for any wall. But I do worry about, what type of nefarious plans he has for immigration.
So, we will have to continue the struggle.
But we’re not alone. Pres Obama, and everyone like Hillary are still in Washington.
We still have our Senate Seats.
This is where the power is, in Congress. As we saw with Pres Obama, a President cannot do much without the consent of Congress.
I realize that Trump can do a lot of damage. I’m not a politician. That’s their job, to know how to stop him.
I cannot believe how America keeps screwing itself! I just read that 50% of US voters, didn’t vote in the 2016 elections (again)! What they didn’t learn nothing in 2010, 2012, 2014?
I too didn’t feel like going out to vote. I also figured Hillary had it covered, but I know, if everyone thought like that, it would be a big problem.
Even with only 4½ hrs, sleep, Mon night, I know how important my vote is and I got up, got out and voted!
(People next door, continue their bad, behavior, to this day. The stench of their scented candles and incense is 24/7 as well as the constant loud noises all day, all night. With the monsters I live next door to, I should be afraid of trump)?
Trump being elected, is a wake up call, for Democrats!
A Scary One!
Democrats need to use this next; two-four years, to figure out how to get the, Congress and White House, back in 2018 Midterms and 2020, or we could, lose the Supreme Court, for generations.
I console myself, that we can stop Trump, a lot of the time.
The Republicans in Congress, kept Pres Obama from completing most, of his plans.
The Democrats can do a lot, of the same.
We know Trump’s, a frontman for the Republican Party and despite his outbursts during the election, he does, answer to them, on everything.
So now that they got what they wanted; kept a Conservative majority in the Supreme Court and a Republican in the White House, will the Republican’s finally try and work with Democrats to make America better, or is it all just more, gop, blather, to get re-elected?
GOP; doesn’t really think, just because Trump is loud, that, American’s are going to sit back and take some kind of dictatorship? How soon, they forget.
Democrats Need To Spend The Next Four Years; Improving the Democratic image. Won’t be hard, if, Trump does 1%, of what he claims, he will.
Democrats Also Need To Learn How To, Beat The Republicans At Their Own Game. Highlight On, Education Of Voters And Critical Thinking.
We as a Nation have to keep up the effort, in Congress and Use Social Media; to Every, Advantage!
Sure it was easier, with President Obama.
Our goal now is, to make sure, that, we win in 2018 and 2020!
This should be an important focus for the next four years. Hopefully, Trump won’t be allowed to do too much damage, and we can repair it then.
Besides calling out everything we see trump trying to pull, we should be concentrating on making sure; that we do not fall, into the same, false, complacency, of thinking, that Americans, won’t vote against, their best interests, again!
I Am, So Sorry Hillary Lost. She’s A, Fabulous, Lady. The Kind Of President, This Country And The World, Needs!
Besides my urgent concerns about Trump’s immigration plans I also worry about what kind of further environmental damage, can Trump’s administration cause in the next 4 years?
Water On Fire! Dimock Pennsylvania gas fracking. Marcellus Shale Reality Tour
If You Are Neutral In Situations Of Injustice, You Have Chosen The Side Of The Oppressor. Desmond Tutu
Trump’s; a smooth talker. Uses that old; “a grain of truth, in a mountain of lies,” type of propaganda, well. That’s a business technique. What appeals to Trump voters, are his promises of economic prosperity. If I see him, rebuild Detroit and Michigan, to their former glory, (one of his campaign promises), even I, will be impressed.
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