Donald Trump, president-elect, is now seeking to delegitimize those that voted against him by declaring that they must be “illegal.” This is known as spreading fake news.
For the record, he's lying. It's total crap—a hoax. The "millions of illegal votes" garbage is a conspiracy theory started by one conservative guy who posted it on Twitter, did not bother to back it up, and who has not presented even the tiniest shred of "evidence" for his "theory" since. Some Guy said it on Twitter, and a conspiracy theory was born in the far-right that now President-Elect Dumbass is citing from his bully pulpit because, apparently, his advisers are all steaming idiots and his constant need for adulation can't stomach the idea that most of America voted against him.
All right then, Donald, you're rich and you're powerful: Prove it. Prove the illegal votes. C'mon, you pathetic whiner. You couldn't prove your birtherism. You couldn't prove your own income.
It sounds like what we need here is a recount to check whether there are, indeed, millions of "illegal" votes. C'mon, you gigantic coward—surely this is an effort you're willing to pony up a few of your Donald Bucks for?