Here’s a chance to send a message 10 days before the Inauguration.
Yesterday I spoke with William Fergusen Reid, Jr. (“Fergie Jr.”), a founder of the extremely successful 90 for 90 voter registration program in VA, which registered 633,000 new voters over the past two years (their goal was 250,000) , and helped Hillary win VA by nearly 200,000 votes. As you may know, 90 for 90 started as a tribute to the 90th birthday of Fergie Jr.’s father (Fergie Sr.), a living civil rights hero:
Dr. William Ferguson Reid was at the vanguard of two pivotal events in the re-emergence of black political power in Virginia.
Reid, a surgeon, co-founded the Richmond Crusade for Voters in 1956 to register and mobilize black voters during Massive Resistance.
A dozen years later, Reid would reap the fruits of the seeds planted by the Crusade, becoming the first black member of the Virginia General Assembly since Reconstruction. Reid's support cut across racial lines as he garnered the most votes among the winners on the Democratic ticket.
Fergie Jr. told me about three special elections in Virginia on January 10, 2017, which are an excellent chance to respond to the November elections shortly before the inauguration. The two Senate elections can tip the VA state senate to a 20-20 tie, meaning Democratic control.
One of them is a likely D win (Jennifer McClellan, District 9).
Ryant Washington (District 22), a former County sheriff is the other Senate candidate. This race will be closer, but is winnable, especially in light of (1) the 90 for 90 registration efforts, (2) a concerted effort in the next two weeks, and (3) the presence on the ballot of two right wing Republicans likely to split the vote.
A third election is for a House seat, and the Democratic candidate is Cheryl Turpin, a teacher.
Here is a link for all three candidates in these Special Elections.
Just a few bucks can make a big difference in local elections like these. There are also phonebanking opportunities at the websites.
I just gave $25 to Ryant Washington, but any amount to any or all candidates is very welcome.
Or just share the link and/or rec.
Use the comments for additional information, whether you contributed or otherwise helped or have suggestions.
Thanks on behalf of 90 for 90, Fergie Sr. and Fergie Jr.