The connection between Hillary and the extreme right Republican Neocons became much clearer today when Robert Kagan, a co-founder and co-author of “The Project for the New American Century, endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.
I would be tempted to call his endorsement a dirty trick designed to drive Democrats away from HRC, but the closeness between them has gone on for many years. Therefore, I think this is just a neocon effort to co-opt the Democratic party. I’m sure they believe it would be better for their desires if they own both parties, not just the Republicans.
This Sunday 2014 NYT article shows the reasoning.
The Next Act of the Neocons -- Are Neocons Getting Ready to Ally With Hillary Clinton?
I believe this should set off extreme alarms for anyone who believes it is important to have more than one party, more than one ideology, in charge of our government. This alarm is, to me, a warning that we may be setting a one party-ideology in concrete to rule us even more stringently than a monarchy. I find it terrifying.
We need to remember that Robert Kagan’s wife is Victoria Nuland. Nuland had been a foreign policy adviser to VP Dick Cheney. When Obama was elected and named Clinton as Secretary of State, HRC brought Victoria Nuland into the State Department. Originally serving as an information official conducting press sessions for State, Nuland soon transitioned to Assistant Secretary of State for Eurasian Affairs. From this post, Nuland planned, orchestrated, and directed the disastrous coup in Ukraine.
This shows us that we can expect more turmoil, warring, and regime change in the Middle East, Eurasia, and around the world. I find this to be extremely frightening.
Please also check the NYT Sunday July 15, 2914 magazine article on Kagan:
Events in Iraq Open Door for Interventionist Revival. Robert Parry has a post on this in Consortium Robert Parry writes on Kagan's endorsement of Clinton.