A few Iowa precincts that ended their caucuses with the flip of a coin have led to an avalanche of terrible coverage, much of it outright false. Raise your hand if you’ve seen coverage claiming that Hillary Clinton’s narrow Iowa Caucus win was determined entirely by coin tosses, which her camp somehow won every single time they happened. If you have, you’ve seen some of this bad reporting.
Maybe you saw Chuck Todd claiming that “Basically we're talking a coin flip may have decided the presidency.” Maybe you saw an outlet like Fox News making similar claims, but then, that’s Fox News. Maybe you saw a Bernie Sanders-supporting outlet angry that the caucus results could supposedly have gone the other way with a different call of the coin. In most of these cases, reporters were confusing county-level delegates for state delegate equivalents, but county delegates and state delegates are two very different things, with the county level being worth much, much less when it comes to finally awarding Iowa’s national delegates, the ones that decide who will be the Democratic presidential nominee. The Des Moines Register explains:
The delegates that were decided by coin flips were delegates to the party's county conventions, of which there are thousands selected across the state from 1,681 separate precincts. They were not the statewide delegate equivalents that are reported in the final results.
The statewide delegate equivalents that determine the outcome on caucus night are derived from the county-level delegates, but are aggregated across the state and weighted in a manner that makes individual county delegate selections at a handful of precincts count for a tiny fraction of the ultimate result.
You may also have seen the widely repeated claim that there were six coin flips Monday night and Clinton won them all (a claim almost always included in pieces that confused county delegates and state delegate equivalents), but also in pieces attempting to explain the delegate differences. But here's the reality: No one knows how many precincts were decided by a coin toss.
[Iowa Democratic Party spokesman Sam] Lau said seven coin flips were reported statewide, and Bernie Sanders won six of them.
The Des Moines Register has identified six coin flips through social media and one in an interview with a caucus participant. Of those seven, Clinton was the apparent winner of six. It's unknown if there is any overlap between the coin flips identified by the Register and the coin flips the state party confirmed.
Monday yielded an incredibly close outcome, and it’s alluring to think it came down to chance in the most literal sense. But that allure doesn’t excuse the terrible reporting and outright misrepresentation that’s been so widely repeated.