FiveThirtyEight has updated their online pledged delegate tracker.
New totals: 1,151 - 828, Clinton.
Clinton’s new net pledged delegate lead is, +323. Clinton currently has a net gain of +100 delegates from Super Tuesday 2, (376 - 276).
There are still 39 delegates pending to be allocated. 16 of those outstanding pledged delegates are from Florida, so realistically Clinton’s lead could increase.
Pledged delegates left to allocate:
- Florida - 16
- Illinois - 21
- Missouri - 0
- North Carolina - 0
- Ohio - 2
39 pledged delegates yet to allocate
The NYT Upshot has a very cool interactive delegate calculator at the link below and according to their current calculator, Sanders must win all remaining contests with roughly 62% of the vote to overcome Clinton’s pledged delegate advantage. If you notice, it isn't updated with the very latest delegate totals. Going forward, Sanders must win all remaining contests like Clinton won in the south.
The Upshot interactive delegate calculator
NYT Upshot Interactive delegate calculator