"I think there's some symbolism here," said Sanders of his surprise guest.
"I know it doesn't look like it, but that little bird is really a dove asking us for world peace.
No more wars!"
When a person speaks extemporaneously the soul is revealed.
Bernie is on fire, at one with humanity, fearless in his vision, his radiant presence smack dab in the middle of the zeitgeist and connecting by far with the largest swath of people in person.
And anyone in politics knows what that means. More volunteers, more canvassers, more donations, and ultimately, more voters. Most of the country, thanks to a media blackout and massive Dem machine blockade, still don’t really know him. Time is his only enemy. He consistently out-polls all of the candidates in the most important areas of honesty and likeability.
It’s all changing. Will it hopefully be enough for him to take his rightful place as the voice of the people in the White House? We’ll see.
Phonebank and canvass, here.
Find or create an event, here.
And, if I may, a shameless plug for an earlier diary I had been thinking about for some time called, “A Socialist Parable: The Mexican Fisherman and the Neoliberal” - Also at: caucus99percent.com/...