There are two frightening things about Donald Trump’s positions on about almost everything.
Number one, he doesn’t really believe them. What he believes in, and is proud of, is his ability to pander and persuade a specific constituency to adore him, to believe he, and he alone, can resolve every crisis, real or not, currently facing the United States.
The strident blatancy of D.J. Trump merely trumpets what he needs to say to get what he wants.
The second frightening thing is that many Trump supporters don’t believe them either; they simply don’t care. But they should care.
Trump has subconsciously intuited and tapped into a part of the American public that either remains sadly fascinated with the idea of ‘Royalty,’ or has traded rational thinking for unreasonable expectations.
It’s impossible to believe a man with his personal history would --or even could--clothe himself in such ultra-conservative ideology, to intimate that women should, and men should not, be criminally punished for an act that requires the participation of both sexes.
And we shouldn’t believe him. Voting for someone like Trump is voting to turn the clock back to a dark period of history where no one but wealthy, white men held the patent on cultural determination.
The long, hard battle for human rights—for women, minorities, and sexual orientation—is never safe in the hands of the selfish or the demagogues, whether the likes of Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.
There is simply too much at stake.