I have been reading Kos’s diaries with increasing agitation and concern. What at first I only feared, I can now confirm to be true. Kos has an opinion, and it’s different than mine.
I know. By now you are probably heaving into a trash can by the side of your computer. Perhaps you are weeping salty tears into a tissue. Maybe you are furiously typing up a diary in response to this disgusting news. Believe me, I’ve done all those things.
It started when I read a diary where it appeared that Kos might not think that my prefered candidate was going to win. I gave him a pass on that one. But he started openly expressing opinions about said candidate and his opponent that I DIDN’T AGREE WITH. How dare he? What business does he have subverting democracy.
I think it’s time that I take myself to another website and community on the internet. Hopefully one that agrees with me 100% of the time. But before I do that I’m going to post this diary, read every comment, insult those who don’t agree with me, and then rinse and repeat every day this week.