The New York Times profiles pandering Mike Coffman (R-CO-06), and it’s not pretty. Immigrant-hating Coffman, who once cosponsored a bill to make English the official language of the United States, is now cozying up to them while he promises to stand up to Donald Trump — as long as it’s politically expedient to do so. The human weathervane has noticed Trump’s plummeting poll numbers. He’s noticed that he’s in a district with a slight Democratic edge (D+1). He’s noticed that Hillary Clinton is so confident of winning Colorado that she’s suspended her campaign ads.
Most of all, he’s noticed Morgan Carroll, the “very credible and talented opponent” (per Dave Wasserman of the Cook Report), native Coloradan policy wonk running a tough campaign to unseat him. Carroll stood up to the gun lobby, getting a universal background check bill through the state legislature after the 2012 Aurora theater shooting in her district. She stood up for clean energy jobs, writing the bill that brought solar businesses to Colorado — and thus earning a Climate Hawks Vote endorsement. Now she’s standing up to Coffman.
If Democrats have a chance at recapturing the House — and the New York Times calls it a “quixotic quest” — Colorado’s 6th District is a must-win. Coffman is running away from Trump, for now, and he’s running scared. Trump is running fourteen points behind Clinton in Colorado. He’s a gold plated anvil dragging down House Republicans. Coffman knows he’s in trouble, so he’s in favor of immigration and against Trump — this week.
Can you chip in $6 to help take back Colorado’s 6th District from flip flopping Mike Coffman?