Eric Trump wants you to believe he was fired because daddy Donald didn’t want to be distracted by the sane one on the crazy bus, Paul Manafort, as he fought off allegations he was a Russian agent.
This is a convenient and plausible lie. We know that Trump has proved he is loyal to reprehensible members of his inner asylum sanctum as long as they don’t prove to be too big an embarrassment. The prime example of this is Corey Lewandowski. If they are good at boot licking they get to stay.
The real reason Trump fired Manafort is that he wasn’t willing to be a toady. Men like Manafort don’t grovel. He was never Trump’s kind of man. Trump felt no kinship with him.
Manafort broke the cardinal rule, I mean the absolute number one rule, by urging Trump not to be Trump.
You tell a reasonably normal person, even a run of the mill narcissist, and they don’t do the equivalent of firing you. Is Trump normal in how he handles anger?
Look it up here.
Manafort probably talked as if he knew more about politics than Trump did, and broke another major rule: never say or even hint you may be smarter than Trump.
Manafort’s shoes were large enough to have to be filled by three people: Roger Ailes, Steve Bannon (of Breightbart), and Kellyanne Conway (
read about them on Rolling Stone). Ailes and Bannon are peas of a pod with Trump. Conway is a real professional who has apparently said she will let Trump be Trump.
However, her hand can already be seen in trying to stop Trump from being Trump. It’s likely that she wrote the non-apology “I regret some things” lines in his recent teleprompter speech. You could see that these words might as well have been Trump quoting Chaucer. He didn’t believe them and obviously his audience was in on the joke.
Conway is the odd “girl” out in this men’s locker room cabal led by Trump. She certainly don’t fit in with any of Trump’s female surrogates. The only thing that she has in common with Omarosa and Kristina Peirsen is that she is female presumably menstruates (
and we know how Trump feels about that).
Trump has replaced the qualified Manafort with the qualified Conway who has already broken the promise she’d let Trump be the great Trump.
How long would that fact that she’s Trumpian eye candy — maybe an eight on Trump’s scale —keep her on the team? My prediction: give her a month before we read reports that she has been marginalized and ultimate resigns in a glorious October surprise.
Take the poll. How long to you think she’ll last or will she stick it out?
Saturday, Aug 20, 2016 · 5:16:02 PM +00:00
Here’s a relevant story with good insights about Conway and how she deals with Trump:;
The notoriously thin-skinned businessman promoted Conway over fellow campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio, in part, because he didn’t like it when Fabrizio told him about his poor poll numbers and how he needed to do better, a source close to the campaign told The Huffington Post.
Conway is better at massaging the truth ― she tells him that there are hidden Trump voters lurking in swing states, the source said ― and her words.
“Kelly’s telling Trump what he wants to hear,” the source said.
“She has a whole vocabulary of diplomatic words. That’s the kind of woman he likes around, who can tell him the soft way ― encourage him, guide him but not criticize him,” said a second source close to Trump.
The Republican pollster doesn’t tell Trump not to say something, she says it would be “unpleasant” or “awkward,” the second source said. She doesn’t say something Trump wants to say is a lie, she says it’s “open to so many interpretations, I want to tighten it up so there’s no room for misinterpretations,” the second source said.