Donald Trump is the first presidential candidate in a generation to hide his financial data from the electorate. But according to son Eric, daddy Trump has a good reason. You wouldn't understand it anyway.
A son of Donald Trump says it would be foolish for his father to release his tax returns. ...
His son, Eric Trump, said Wednesday on CNBC not much can be learned from tax returns. He said his father's returns are massive and "you would have a bunch of people who know nothing about taxes" looking through them and making "assumptions on things they know nothing about."
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If you saw Donald Trump’s taxes, you’d probably make completely unwarranted assumptions about, oh, money coming in from Russia or how he didn't give anything to charity or how Donald Trump simply pays no taxes.
No one should be surprised, though, if Donald J. Trump has paid far less — perhaps even zero federal income tax in some years. Indeed, that’s the expectation of numerous real estate and tax professionals I’ve interviewed in recent weeks.
Yes. It’s certainly hard for people who make a normal living and pay their fair share of taxes each year to understand how someone who literally sits on a gold throne, in a gold room, in a gold tower could pay absolutely nothing.