On Wednesday, Donald Trump took another stab at reaching out to black voters with a visit to an African-American church in Flint, Michigan, allegedly to thank members there for the work they have done in the face of the water crisis in Flint. So when Trump launched into a tirade against Hillary Clinton, Rev. Faith Green Timmons stepped in to remind him that he wasn’t there to make a political speech. And how did Trump respond? By running to Fox & Friends to insult Rev. Timmons, saying she was “a nervous mess” with an aim to “sabotage” him, and then lied, claiming that the audience chanted “Let him speak, let him speak.”
And The New York Times repeated the lie … and then some:
He said on Thursday that most of the people who attended the event at the church welcomed him warmly.
“The audience was saying ‘let him speak, let him speak,’” Mr. Trump said. “The audience was so great.”
Perhaps The Times should rely on investigative reporting that goes beyond “Trump said,” because here’s what actually happened:
That isn't true. In fact, several audience members began to heckle Trump, asking pointed questions about whether he racially discriminated against black tenants as a landlord.
And that's when Timmons — who Trump said Thursday had planned to ambush him — stepped in to defend Trump, saying the Republican nominee was "a guest of my church, and you will respect him."
But hey, Trump said, so that’s good enough for The New York Times.