The coming of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States changed a lot of things in the country and there weren’t positive changes in most of the cases. If you didn’t think that the increasing divorce rate has anything to do with the fact that Trump is president, think again. The competition between Democrats and Republicans is harsher than you may think, unrolling not only on the political stage of America but also in the private life of people. Thus, a new type of phenomenon is more and more present when it comes to couples and relationships, or more precisely the lack of their relationships, which is called the “Trump divorce”. Yes, an increasing amount of people filing for a divorce, state that one of the main reasons that led to the divorce are the differences in political opinion of the partners.
The most affected generation is the generation of Millennials, which are, in the opinion of the specialists, idealists that are determined to change the world into a better place, even if this means to sacrifice parts of their personal life and happiness. There was even a study that was meant to check this situation out, a study that revealed just how important political opinions are for some couples. During the survey, 1 out of 10 Americans admitted having terminated a relationship due to differences in opinion when it came to politics. Still, women appear to be a bit more tolerant and open-minded than men, one-third of them admitting that they would go on a date with someone that supports the opposition, like a Trump supporter for example.
Also, the presence of Donald Trump in the American presidential office makes people fight and disagree more often, creating a lot of tensions in the couple. If you can believe, Trump is causing more tension and disagreements that the subject of money, which was once the number one problem in couples of all types and ages. When asked, many people admitted that they knew at least one couple that got separated because Trump was elected. This even happened in the case of Lynn Aronberg, a former cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins, and her husband, Dave Aronberg, a successful lawyer. Lynn is a fan of Donald Trump, while her husband is a declared Democrat, which made the relationship between the two of them to go cold in time. Feeling "increasingly isolated" and presenting political differences as an argument for a divorce, Lynn Aronberg got divorced from her husband at the age of 37. The story of the Aaronbergs is just one example of the many marriages that go to waste since Donald Trump became the President of the United States.
If Trump’s presidency did not manage to end a relationship then it definitely managed to make it worse. Many people state that their relationship is not as good as it once was, the current political environment affecting their romantic life. No wonder such a thing is happening considering the numerous tensions politics manage to stir among people. Statistics show that almost a quarter of the Americans, which is involved in a relationship or are married, tend to fight a lot on topics that are about Trump and his presidency. It’s not that the other American presidents were better, but at least they did not cause so many troubles in the lives of the people they’re supposed to improve.
The mere fact that one of the partners decided to vote for Trump turned out to be a reason good enough for some Americans to file a divorce. Apparently, this gesture was seen by some as an act of treason, something so severe that it made a person wish to terminate any connection with their partner. For example, a woman found out that her husband voted for Trump and she ended up losing her respect for him. Until Trump started running for the presidency, even if this woman was aware of the political differences between her and her husband, she still managed to see some common ground, some common values the two shared. When the elections came, the woman voted for Clinton while her husband voted for Trump. She didn’t believe that her husband was going to go through with the plan, but when he did, the woman felt heartbroken. The story of this couple gets even more amazing when the woman hopped for her husband to see that Trump is a liar, not respecting any of the commitments he stated during his campaign, but in return realizes that the husband is more than confident in Trump’s presidency.
Politics has always been a tough issue for spouses to discuss. It’s one of the “big three”, according to divorce attorney and mediator Chris Griffith of SplitSimple.
"Politics, money, and parenting are all very challenging topics for married couples to work out." Chris Griffith,
SplitSimple LLC
The Internet is also filled with articles that offer advice on how to survive if you are married to a Trump supporter or, even worse, trying to convince people to get a divorce if their partners are Trump supporters. It may be hard to believe, but these are the consequences of Trump winning the presidential elections. The country becomes so divided that even married couples, which are supposed to be together for better and for worse, can’t deal with the situation anymore and decide that separation is best. And these are not just a few exceptions, as an increasing number of people have decided to terminate their relationships due to politics since Trump became the new American president. If once political differences represented differences of opinions, in present days they represent differences in values, as many people say.
A lot of psychiatrists and lawyers notice that a big number of today’s divorces mention Trump as the main reason for their occurrence, something that is backed-up by numbers, not just mere opinions. What it worse is that Trump’s presence, speeches, and actions increase xenophobia in the case of mixed couples, where one of the partners is an immigrant or comes from a family of immigrants. So, unfortunately, Trump’s presidency is not making American great again but slowly destroys it by affecting tolerance between people, by raising tensions within couples, and raising such high barriers that people find impossible to overcome in their personal lives.