Shambling onward in their never-ended war on women, House Republicans passed a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy on Tuesday on an almost party-line vote.
Three Democrats joined this insulting assault on reproductive rights, but the worst among them by far is Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, who not only voted in favor of the legislation but went so far as to cosponsor it—despite the fact that he represents a blue district in the Chicago suburbs.
Lipinski’s hatred for reproductive rights has been a central focus of his political career. He’s a co-chair of the House Pro-Life Caucus, and he’s repeatedly voted to defund Planned Parenthood. He also likes to lie about it: At a town hall earlier this year, he declared “Planned Parenthood is largely about abortion”—a right-wing smear, since just 3 percent of group’s services are related to abortion.
Oh, and he’s also a condescending, mansplaining jerk. From that same town hall:
“I support women’s health, but I don’t believe abortion is women’s health.”
No surprise, then, that a guy like this is at the forefront of telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies.
Fortunately, Democrats in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District have a much better choice in next year’s primary. Businesswoman Marie Newman is a stalwart progressive who unambiguously supports reproductive rights, not to mention health care for all, a livable wage, and economic development that benefits working families. And considering that Hillary Clinton won this district 55-40 last year, there’s just no excuse for putting up with the likes of Lipinski.
So please stand up for women and give $3 to help Marie Newman beat Dan Lipinski today.