The evidence is clear that Trump is actively working to undermine our free press, electoral process, justice department, judicial system, intelligence community, alliances and democratic institutions worldwide.
Trump actively works to undermine the public's confidence in the press with his daily claims of fake news. He has even called for censorship through the revocation of the broadcasting licences of those who point out his shortcomings and lies. Going forward Trump has his FCC chair proposing “to put a corporate stranglehold on the discourse in communities across the United States” by eliminating the ban on media cross-ownership. Trump’s attacks on the press have led to former CIA director Michael Hayden to say “If this is who we are or who we are becoming, I have wasted 40 years of my life” and “Until now it was not possible for me to conceive of an American President capable of such an outrageous assault on truth, a free press or the first amendment.”
Trump is working to undermine the public’s confidence in the electoral process. Prior to the election he repeatedly made claims that the process was rigged against him and made totally false and unsubstantiated claims of millions of cases of voter fraud and had his press secretary fraudulently represent studies as saying Trumps claim was accurate when, in fact, they “revealed no findings of voter fraud.” Going forward the “Trump administration’s ‘election integrity’ commission is declaring war on voters – our democratic legitimacy be damned.” Trump has decided that “Kris Kobach, the ‘King of Voter Suppression,’ Will Lead Trump’s Sham Voter Fraud Commission. Be Afraid, Very Afraid.”
Trump is actively working to Underme America’s faith in our intelligence community by siding with Russia over the conclusions reached by every one of our agencies and called the heads of those agencies political hacks. This was done since before his inauguration and continues now. Trumps false attacks have driven former intelligence heads to break tradition and speak out against Trump in defense of their former agencies.
Trump is actively working to both undermine the independence of the Justice department and FBI and coerce them in regards to what they do or do not investigate and prosecute. Trump has taken the unprecedented step of calling for the prosecution of his former political opponent. Recently Trump has called our justice system a “joke and a laughing stock”. Trump has said “The saddest thing is because I’m the President of the United States, I’m not supposed to be involved in the Justice Department. I am not supposed to be involved in the FBI. I’m not supposed to be doing the kinds of things I would love to be doing and I’m very frustrated by it.” In further attempts to coerce justice and the FBI Trump said “At some point maybe we’re all going to have it out.” Trumps threats are not empty, he has already fired an acting attorney general and an FBI director because they didn’t submit to his coercion.
Trump is actively working to undermine the judiciary. The Brennan Center for Justice says “Donald Trump has displayed a troubling pattern of attacking judges and the courts” They cite attacks in response multiple judicial decisions such as Trumps unconstitutional travel ban, the unconstitutional attack on sanctuary cities and when Trump described Justice Ginsburg as an “incompetent judge” and called for her resignation. This in not new for Trump as even before his election he tried to undermine a Mexican American judge with racist claims that the judge was not impartial because of his Mexican heritage. John Dean, Nixon’s former counsel, went so far as to say “Judge Orrick’s clear and careful 50-page ruling, which shows it was the President of the United States who was ignoring the law, and not on some minor technical point, rather well established constitutional doctrines” in a wide ranging critique of Trump’s attacks on judges.
Trump is actively working to undermine our foreign alliances. Trump has called NATO “obsolete”. “Donald Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, appeared to make U.S. military support for NATO member states conditional”. Trump has undermined NATO's deterrent effect. “Washington’s closest allies in Europe are increasingly worried that rising political chaos in the United States is undermining the strength of the most powerful nation in the world.” Trump even went so far as to have a NATO critic write his speech to NATO. Trump has worked to undermine the EU and called himself “Mr. BREXIT.” Trumps constant and deliberate political use of lies and misleading statements is undermining American credibility and trust worldwide. Robert Gates, former defense secretary under W Bush and Obama, says Trump’s Jerusalem embassy decision “has created problems for our Arab friends and allies” and “hurts broader strategy.”
Trump is actively supporting Putin’s Russia and it’s efforts to undermine democratic institutions in the U.S. and world wide. Even before he was elected he aided Putin when Trump directed a watered down support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine in the official party platform. Trump is delaying sanctions against Russia for it’s interference in our elections demanded by congress. Prior to getting blocked Trump was working on secret efforts to ease existing sanctions. Trump has for years up to recently heaped praise on Putin. So far it looks like Trump has tried to obstruct the investigation into Putin’s attack on America’s democracy 19 times. Trump even bragged to the Russian’s that "I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job," because "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."
Now IDon’tKnowWhy Trump is trying to destroy America, it could be Russian kompromat, greed or ignorance. Who knows. The one thing that is clear is that Trump is in fact undermining the very foundations of our democracy and he is being abetted by the supposed “patriots” in the republican party.