I’ve had some friends on Facebook worrying that Moore’s (possible, hinted-at) call for a recount might be honored.
I really doubt that.
Unless the difference ends up being less than 0.5% (that's one half of one percent), no recount will happen. Right now, the margin is 1.5% with 100% of the votes counted.
"Under Alabama state law, a recount is automatically ordered when a candidate wins by no more than 0.5 percent of all votes cast for the office. Automatic recounts must begin within 72 hours after results are certified."
So sorry, Roy, but you’re done. Bye-bye now.
*I must say that as a Jew, I am tickled to death that Jones won tonight. During Hanukkah, we Jews have a saying: Nes Gadol Hayah Sham — “a great miracle happened there.”
Folks, this was miraculous, but it also took a damn lot of human effort. Let’s ride this blue wave and wash the GOP out of our Congress next year.