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We make it to Friday with David Waldman’s voice getting a weekend rest. He’s looking much better though, as you watching on his refrigerator camera are no doubt aware.
We get another one of those things it seems that nobody wants (Unless you are a corporation, my friend): the death of net neutrality.
If Roger Stone and Julian Assange had a friend, he would have been Randy Credico.
Karma gets Mo Brooks.
Robert Mueller’s talking to Cambridge Analytica.
Donald Trump’s war on Christmas claimed another victory, routing Christmas from Nasareth. Troops should reach Bethlehem by the 25th.
Donald Trump is the worst sort of liar, and all of the other sorts too.
Eric Posman returns with another exclusive essay for KITM! (Go ahead, request the nachos recipe) Do Democrats finally have permission to succeed?
Bye Felicia—Oh snap!
David looks into the Yemeni mess, and decides yep, it’s a mess, but it is hard to figure out what we are doing about it.