Joyce White Vance is a University of Alabama Law Professor who is often seen on MSNBC. Appointed by President Obama, Vance served as a U.S. attorney in Birmingham and as federal prosecutor for 25 years. She is also a wife and mother of four. In a tweet Thursday night, Vance expressed her respect for President Obama by sharing a statement he made to his newly appointed US attorneys. In his statement, Obama made it clear who he expected U.S. Attorneys to serve and where their loyalties must lie.
Joyce Alene @JoyceWhiteVance
“The first time President Obama met with US Attorneys, he told us,
‘I appointed you, but you don’t serve me. You serve the American people. And I expect you to act with independence & integrity.’
None of us ever forgot that.”
Trump demanded government employees (appointed or not) give their sole loyalty and service to him. President Obama demanded loyalty and service be given to the American people. There lies the difference between self-serving—and selflessness. There lies the difference between self-importance—and greatness. Below is the original tweet:
Barak Obama is what a real leader looks like, and he is dearly missed.
Learn more about Joyce White Vance by following her on Twitter, Facebook, The University of Alabama and/or look for guest appearances on MSNBC.
Joyce White Vance Facebook Profile