Here’s that latest bit of incriminating evidence, found by the Trump-Russia Investigation, found in a private email from Trump’s Deputy National Security Advisor at the time.
Top Trump transition official in private email: Russia 'has just thrown' the election to Trump
A senior member of President Donald Trump's transition team said in email to a colleague on December 29, 2016, shortly after the Obama administration had imposed new sanctions on Russia, that the transition team should try to reassure the country that had just "thrown" the election to Trump.
The transition official, KT McFarland, told the unnamed colleague in the email obtained by the New York Times that the sanctions were aimed at delegitimizing Trump's election victory.
“If there is a tit-for-tat escalation Trump will have difficulty improving relations with Russia, which has just thrown U.S.A. election to him,” she wrote.
Instead of take it at its prima facie value, KT and the Trump “brain trust”, are now trying to play it off as some sort of flippant statement, used sarcastically to mock the complaints of the Democrats:
[...] A White House lawyer told the Times that she was mocking Democrats' accusation — bolstered at that point by a CIA assessment — that Russia had interfered in the election to help Trump win.
If she were indeed “mocking a Democrat accusation” at the time, there should be abundance evidence of Democrats claiming that “Russia has thrown the US Election to Trump”.
As I recall, the vast majority of Democrats displayed an ‘abundance of caution’ at the time — to avoid making exactly that serious charge. Instead, “Russian Interference” in the campaign process — without affecting the results — was usually the complaint lodged by Democrats, back in November and December of 2016.
Most Democrats were very careful to echo the DNI conclusions about “Interference”, and then not go any further, in order to let the presumption of Election Integrity stand, until at least, proven otherwise.
Case in point:
An Advanced Google Search, searching for this exact phrase:
"Russia interfered with the US Election"
with a Date Range limitation, to make the results contemporary to KT’s email:
Nov 10, 2016 -- Dec 29, 2016
Yields 4 pages of Google Results (of people using the more cautionary language: of “interference”, not “thrown”). Here are a few of those wide-ranging examples, of this very common usage:
www.msnbc.com/… — 12/12/2016
Senator Coons on Russia hacking: ‘This is a very big deal’
The incoming commander-in-chief is going to war with the CIA, which conclude that Russia interfered with the U.S. election.
thehill.com/… — 12/12/2016
“The Electors require to know from the intelligence community whether there are ongoing investigations into ties between Donald Trump, his campaign or associates, and Russian government interference in the election, the scope of those investigations, how far those investigations may have reached, and who was involved in those investigations,” the letter read.
www.huffingtonpost.com/… — 11/15/2016
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday said he wants Senate hearings to investigate whether Russian President Vladimir Putin interfered in the U.S. election, casting doubts on President-elect Donald Trump’s desire to improve relations with Russia.
There are many more examples in the Results link above.
— —
By way of contrast:
Let’s do some similar Advanced Google Searches, using phrasing similar to the common Meme, that KT McFarland was allegedly “mocking” in her Dec 29th email:
"Russia has thrown the US Election"
with the same Date Range limitation, to make the results contemporary to KT’s email:
Nov 10, 2016 -- Dec 29, 2016
Here are the weak-tea, scatter-shot Goggle results, along with this Search Engine message:
No results found for "Russia has thrown the US Election".
THAT “thrown Election” phrase, simply wasn’t the common parlance at the time, except for perhaps those inside the Trump Team in-the-know circle?
Similar searches which vary the Phrase slightly, return very similar time-bracket results:
"Russia thrown the US Election"
Nov 10, 2016 -- Dec 29, 2016
Goggle results
No results found for "Russia thrown the US Election".
"Russia thrown the USA Election"
Nov 10, 2016 -- Dec 29, 2016
Goggle results
No results found for "Russia thrown the USA Election".
"Russia rigged the US Election"
Nov 10, 2016 -- Dec 29, 2016
Returns on one Mainstream Goggle result on Chilean election problems.
"Russia threw the US Election"
Nov 10, 2016 -- Dec 29, 2016
Returns only one News-related contemporary Goggle result, from Japan, which is basically calling for the CIA to ‘put up, or shut up’.
www.japantimes.co.jp/... — 2016/12/16
If the CIA has indisputable evidence that Russia threw the U.S. election, it should put up or shut up. It’s not enough to vaguely link WikiLeaks to the Russians, it has to be demonstrated that the interference clearly had a democracy-destroying effect.
These contemporaneous search results, concerning McFarland’s very plain language:
“If there is a tit-for-tat escalation Trump will have difficulty improving relations with Russia, which has just thrown U.S.A. election to him,” she said.
— these Google results are far from a “ringing endorsement” that her words were spoken in mockery, in sarcasm, or in jest.
Isn’t it more likely the case, that those words, were spoken “in truth”?
(… given the delicate negotiations she and Flynn [and others] were conducting at the time.)
Inquiring search-enabled minds, should want to know …