Remember when Maine Sen. Susan Collins was pretending like she really didn't want to pass a massive tax bill to reward Republicans’ big corporate donors? When she was extracting promises from Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, promises that everyone knew he could not keep? But he made them, all right. And then promptly broke them.
The link there is to the House’s short-term funding bill that Congress is going to pass—or try to pass—before the final vote on the tax bill. Remember when we said that McConnell couldn’t make promises for the House? Yeah, that. You already know what’s not in it: everything that Collins said McConnell promised was going to happen in exchange for her vote.
Collins isn’t stupid, she knew there was no value in any of what McConnell was promising, and probably also knows that even were the fixes to the Affordable Care Act that are in Alexander-Murray and reinsurance passed, they wouldn’t counteract the dire impact that repealing the individual mandate is going to have on the law.
No, she’s not stupid, but she hopes the American people are. She hopes that we’re dumb enough to believe that she was dumb enough to be snookered by McConnell. We’re not.
THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER! Republicans must still pass a final version of the tax scam bill through both the House and the Senate. We can still stop this. Call your members AGAIN TODAY at (202) 224-3121.