Religious Right activist David Daubenmire has called Donald Trump’s election a “miracle” and the “greatest evangelical vote in history.” Now he’s calling for violence against former President Barack Obama.
This past week, during this his live show, Pass The Salt, Daubenmire accused President Obama of being a traitor who has a desire to destroy America. The extremist says the former president put things into place that were intentionally meant to undermine Donald Trump's presidency. Daubenmire tells his followers that “we are at war” and encourages them to get “pitchforks and torches” and “go to town” and arrest Barack Obama.
Here is the video transcription followed by the video via
“Donald Trump, now we know his own CIA, FBI—what do they call those guys? The snoops—they’re not sharing all their information with the president now,” Daubenmire said. “They’re not giving him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They’re undermining him at every turn. Why? Well, we have to understand that we’re in a war. We’re at war and to see what President Obama put into place, his desire to destroy America, I think he ought to be arrested.”
“I think he should be arrested,” he continued. “I think this guy has done everything he can to destroy America. I believe he is a traitor. I believe he should be arrested. I wish Trump would do it. I don’t know if he would, but some of us ought to do it. We ought to go get our pitchforks and our torches and go to town and arrest the guy. He’s doing everything he can to undermine us.”
Here RightWingWatch’s YouTube video:
Under law, this would be considered hate speech, but hate speech laws are rarely enforced in the United States due to our First Amendment, and thus we have hate groups like Westboro Baptist Church who are allowed to spew their odious messages during the funerals of fallen veterans. Other countries ban and prosecute such hate groups.
Daubenmire’s rant is different. In this video, he is promoting violence against a U.S. president which is a Class E felony and violates 18 U.S.C. § 879 : US Code - Section 879. Threatening a president is punishable by a maximum of five years in prison. Daubenmire should be reported and arrested, just as the man who was recently arrested for threatening violence against Donald Trump.
You can contact the FBI by clicking HERE. Whether they take action or not, you are taking action and your message will be documented. Through progressive and peaceful protest, we will remain the larger and stronger voice of power. We are the Resistance.