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A Thank-You Note to the Tea Party
Killer of Sacred Cows
(This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2017
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2017
10:17:21pm PST
Dear Tea Party:
This note is a heartfelt “thank you” from the Left. You showed us that people who really hate a President and his administration can make a national difference in how well that President and administration can do their jobs through simple grassroots organizing (at least, that's what you claim you had -
the Koch brothers' funding of your movement notwithstanding
). You demonstrated all
of techniques for how to harass your congresspeople and senators into changing their votes and stopping President Obama's attempts to make everyone's lives better. Over the six to eight years you've been operating, you've demonstrated these techniques over and over, showing us what they look like when they're organized, finely honed, and repeated.
You may think that I'm being sarcastic, but I'm actually being serious when I say "thank you." You were a very small group of people and you made huge waves in our political system. You developed a wonderful model for targeted, organized, effective grassroots activism.
Why am I thanking you? Well, after the election on November 8th, 2016, a lot of people noticed just how well your tactics and strategies had worked to stop the Obama administration from getting things done. And since you already field-tested them for us,
we just have to copy your successful strategies
without worrying that we're going to screw it up.
For me, the best part is that now you'll get to watch as a far greater number of people than you were ever able to recruit to your sorry-ass causes use those same strategies and tactics to shut down the morons you've put into office and send them packing. Why, just today,
a group of Californians sent their Republican Congressman running and hiding
when they showed up at his town hall meeting with questions he couldn’t answer. And
he wasn’t even the first one
run and hide from his constituents
since the election!
Once again, I really have to thank you for all your efforts on behalf of this great nation, especially the field-testing of all those tactics. You’re true patriots, showing us how to make America great again (although our signs will be correctly spelled — thanks for showing us how NOT to write a protest sign!).
Heckuva job, Tea-bees!
An American Patriot