As part of the ongoing project to catalogue every awful thing the Trump Administration has done as a reference for future political arguments and whatever few posterity survives to see 2020, here’s everything awful the Trump Administration has done in the last week (2/1/2017-2/7/2017), along with some older items.
36. Weakened the Obama Administration’s lobbying ban
37. “Iced out” CNN in attempt to punish it for unfavorable coverage
38. Reneged on his campaign promise to negotiate drug prices
39. Maintained much of his private security after assuming office, which has previously been accused of using excessive, racial profiling, and trampling free speech
40. Froze implementation of new overtime pay rules
41. Reportedly harangued the Prime Minister of Australia over a preexisting plan to relocate 1,250 refugees to the US, possibly nixed the deal
42. Accused Germany of trade manipulation, possibly blundering the US into a trade war with the EU and Japan
43. Threatened to send troops into Mexico to the Mexican President
44. Reported to have ordered the covert military operation in #33 without sufficient intelligence, leading the Navy SEAL team into an ambushed and possibly causing the above cited civilian casualties.
45. Loosened sanctions on Russia, even as Russian backed separatists ramped up attacks in Ukraine
46. Vowed to “destroy the Johnson Amendment” which prohibits churches from engaging in politics at the risk of losing their tax exempt status, blurring the line between church and state.
47. Threatened to cut federal funding to UC Berkley after student protests
48. Rolled back financial regulations implemented under the Dodd-Frank Act which prevent financial institutions from investing retirement savings into risky products for their own benefit, without disclosing the information to the investors. This move is expected to cost retirees $17 billion a year
49. Repealed the “blacklisting rule”, which requires companies bidding for federal contracts to disclose labor law violations. (Congress passed, Trump’s approval pending)
50. Repealed the Extraction Payment Disclosure rule, which requires oil, gas, mining, and other extraction companies to disclose their payments to foreign governments (Congress passed, Trump’s approval pending)
51. Repealed the Stream Protection Rule, which prevents coal companies from dumping their waste products into rivers and other effluence (Congress passed, Trump’s approval pending)
52. Repealed a rule which limits the ability of people with mental illnesses to purchase guns
53. Proposed new rules to make special enrollments under Obamacare more difficult
54. Considered scrapping the Countering Violent Extremism program in favoring of one focusing exclusively on radical Islam, turning a blind eye to right wing extremism and further antagonizing American Muslims
55. Wiped pages on Civil Rights, Climate Change, and LGBT Rights from the White House website after taking office
56. Attempted to justify the Muslim Ban by alluding to a fictitious “Bowling Green Massacre”
57. Blocked 9 companies from providing affordable internet to the poor
As you can see, the insanity coming out of the administration isn’t slowing down, and now awful legislation and administrative actions are becoming a larger part of the mix. It’s getting a bit hard to keep up. Let me know if there’s anything you think I’ve missed. The full omnibus is being maintained here.