The CBO score for Trumpcare is in. Bottom line: it will save $337 billion over the next 10 years, but reduce the insured population by 24 million by 2026. That’s a lot of people.
Perhaps in preparation for this moment, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has emerged from his shell.
Sorry, Mitch, but that "additional legislation" just isn't going to cut it, because all the stuff that is in item No. 1—the AHCA bill the House is going to pass—is the stuff that has resulted this bad CBO score. You can't come up with anything in bill No. 2 that can fix it.
Republicans only narrowly control the Senate, and with constituent pressure we can blow TrumpCare a humiliating defeat. Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121, ask for your Senators’ office and urge them to reject TrumpCare.