Mick Mulvaney said a terrible, horrible, no good very bad thing today.
He said it with a straight face.
And he spoke for the entire Republicon party when he said it.
Below is the edited version I heard on MSNBC (and here is the complete clip in context):
We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good. And great, Meals on Wheels sounds great.
Again, that’s a state decision to fund that particular portion, but to take the federal money and give it to the states and say look, we want to give you money for programs that don’t work.
I can’t defend that any more.
We’re trying to focus on both the recipients of the money and the folks who give us the money in the first place.
And I think it’s fairly compassionate to go to them and say look, we’re not going to ask you for your hard earned money any more.
Single mom of two in Detroit. Give us your money.
We’re not going to do that any more... unless we can guarantee to you that that money is actually [going to] be used in a proper function.
And I think that is about as compassionate as you can get.
It was ignorant, Mulvaney. Because the programs DO work. They save lives every day.
It was damnable, in the sense of being worthy of divine condemnation, because you probably think of yourself as a good Roman Catholic. I dare you to stand in front of Pope Francis and say some crap about it being compassionate to take money from poor people to put a $30 million dollar tax cut in the pocket of DJT, instead of using that money to care for the least of these.
It was callous, because it was cruel in the most flippant Republicon sense. The zombie-eyed granny starver in the Speaker’s chair must have been proud of you for literally advocating granny-starving. Literally!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
And for the cherry on top, you had the nerve to call it “about as compassionate as you can get”!
Actually, I believe it is about as compassionate as YOU can get.
This is what passes for compassion in your God-forsaken party, up to and including your President* who has never felt a moment of compassion in his whole sad life.
A budget is a statement of values. A budget is a moral document that says: this is what we believe in.
Because where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
And you represent a President* and a political party that wants to place its treasure in bombs, and walls, and fear and propaganda; millions of dollars in tax cuts for people who already have plenty and to the bone program cuts for hungry kids and disabled folks and vets and elders who are barely scraping by.
People like the school children who go hungry over weekends and school vacation weeks and summer break because the subsidized hot lunch they get is their only substantial meal of the day.
Elders like my mom, weak from illness and hundreds of miles away from me, who used to pray that the Meals on Wheels person would give her extra food on Friday so that she would have something to eat on Saturday and Sunday.
She tried to hide it from me because she didn’t want me to drop out of school. She was too proud to tell me she was too weak to stand and cook. She was lying in bed dehydrated because she was too weak to carry more than a small container of water to her bedside to last her the whole day.
May every possible blessing fall on the person in her apartment building who signed mom up for Meals on Wheels. She saved little bits of the Thursday and Friday meal so she would have something to eat on the weekends, until the Meals on Wheels volunteer, noticing she was losing weight, started slipping her an extra sandwich or two, or an extra container of applesauce or an extra carton of orange juice on Friday to help her get through to Monday.
And when I finally came home after completing my summer certificate program to see for myself what had happened to her, she weakly called out to me from her bed with a sweet smile, so proud of herself for having survived her ordeal.
My poor mommy! Pieces of hard boiled egg shells and an large empty bag of pretzels on the floor next to her bed. All she had had to eat for days. She boiled all the eggs she had and rationed them out, eating them slowly, along with the pretzels and an old can of chocolate covered pecan caramel candy—thank God for those calories. They probably kept her alive. And the one meal a day from Meals on Wheels. I never found out how long she had been eating that way, but she lost six dress sizes.
Even now 18 years later, the memory of my mother’s plight that summer can bring me to tears. And I also weep at the thought of so many other seniors like her, who don’t have a devoted child ready to ride in like the cavalry after only 12 weeks of near starvation.
People like Irene:
I weep thinking of people like Irene who will starve because of the evil values represented by the DJT administration budget. Cast aside like so many pieces that are sacrificed in every game of chess. I weep thinking of the utter moral depravity of the people in power who have made a cold hearted decision to exchange food for people like Irene and hungry schoolchildren, and health care for the elderly, poor and disabled, in favor of more money for war profiteers and insurance companies.
Tears that the likes of you, and Speaker ZEGS and DJT have never cried on behalf of ANYONE.
But I have news for you, Mulvaney.
Actually it isn’t news. I think you already know. I think you are desperate to pass this vile legislation in the narrow legislative window you have right now because you know your views are abhorrent and you know you are about to hurt a lot of innocent people and you know you are on the wrong side of history and that eventually you and your ilk will LOSE because the kind hearted folks in this country—we outnumber you.
But I’ll tell you anyway just to get it on the record, speaking for myself and the three million plus majority that did our best to reject your agenda.
That single mom of two in Detroit would RATHER give the government her money to feed Irene, and to feed the other seniors that she knows, and to give school lunches to her children’s friends, than to build another bomber or put several millions of dollars worth of tax cuts in the greedy pockets of DJT and his family and his cronies.
How do I know that?
Because she voted Democratic.
Previous TRUE BLUE REPORT diaries
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Mar 13: Culture, Civilization, Rural America, Working Families—the missing word is a “tell”
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