Donald Trump Jr. continues to prove that he is a real slimeball, and I don't just mean his hair:
On Earth Day, when millions around the world were celebrating ways to give back to nature and protect our planet, Donald Trump Jr. was in Montana shooting prairie dogs, with Greg Gianforte.
Greg Gianforte is the Montana GOP candidate for the U.S. House seat being vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.
Don Jr. was sent to campaign with Greg to really lock down the entitled, crass, rich kid vote. I guess Donny wanted to spend the day doing what he is best known for: trophy hunting. Yet it's hard to imagine anyone being impressed with killing a prairie dog, which, although not endangered, is threatened enough to be listed as a "species of concern".
Scientists consider prairie dogs keystone species that supports entire ecosystems. There is absolutely no justifiable reason to hunt them:
- they can't be used for food, and
- there isn't any legitimate wildlife management purpose.
What's even worse: the Humane Society noted that now through June is the breeding season where female prairie dogs are most likely to be pregnant or nursing.
However, it's not illegal to kill prairie dogs in Montana--even the ones that are pregnant and/or nursing. So some guys do it just for “fun". (Thank God Punxsutawney Phil lives in Pennsylvania.) Greg Gianforte is apparently one of those people. When the Humane Society protested, particularly noting that the ridiculously unnecessary high-powered rifles used to kill the prairie dogs--which made the animals "explode” with “body parts severed and sent flying"-- Gianforte gave a response just about as crass as you would expect from someone who enjoys hanging out with Don. Jr:
“Clearly they’ve never shot a prairie dog,” he said. “They don’t know how much fun it is.”
Go **** yourself, Greg.
Daily Kos is supporting Democrat Rob Quist for Montana’s special election. Some polls have showed him ahead of republican Greg Gianforte, while a recent one by Emerson College shows him behind. (Emerson also predicted that Trump would lose Utah to Evan McMullin, so their track record isn’t exactly stellar.) A populist Democrat can certainly win, so please do what you can to help keep a monster like Greg Gianforte out of Congress.
Go to and offer your support. Montana’s prairie dogs thank you.