Here's an idea: instead of being stuck with Neal Gorsuch in a stolen SCOTUS seat for possibly 30 or 40 years, if the democrats regain control of the House and the Senate, why not impeach Gorsuch, convict him, and replace him with Merrick Garland? After all, there won't be any filibuster to constrain them.
Outrageous, unjustified, and far-fetched? No more than McConnell/Grassley & republicans’ criminally unconstitutional, historically unprecedented, totally reprehensible refusal to even grant Garland hearings, much less a vote. Gorsuch is likely guilty of plagiarism, hardly an impeachable offense, but the beauty is that no real grounds are necessary. Just play by the same sleazy lack of any integrity and principles. “If they bring a knife, you use a gun. That’s the Chicago way.” Don’t wait for another vacancy on the court; just right this wrong asap. Don’t go high; go even lower. This is too important not to. Wipe the smirk off McConnell’s face, and outrage conservatives as much as they did the rest of the country, so they will know what it feels like to be beaten at their own rotten game, and hypocritically cry “Foul!" as they always do. Call their bet and raise them. They started this fight; hit them back even harder and try to end it. And what’s to prevent them from doing the same thing if and when they can? Maybe people will finally be so disgusted by this utter, destructive, crazy, illegal hyper-partisanship that they will demand an end to it, or vote them out of office — the real nuclear option. Impeaching Gorsuch would be possible by using sheer immoral political power, the same way these disgusting, execrable excuses for legislators did. Of course, democrats won’t do it because of their high-minded sense of right vs. wrong. But some of us can dream...