According to a newly posted story on daily kos- “Progressives are blowing 2018 by focusing too many resources to Russia story.”
Unidentified in the story is what resources are being focused, by whom, and what is meant by “too many.“ To be honest the entire story is incoherent and absurd. But it reminds of me when some people said in 2005 that “Progressives are blowing 2006 by focusing too many resources on the Iraq story.”
The fact is anyone who knows a damn thing about midterm elections knows that the out party’s fortunes are largely tied to the unpopularity of the incumbent President. But if you know nothing about politics and choose not to learn and instead want your issues to be what everyone talks about, you can write any old nonsensical screed.
It so happens that the Supreme Court and voting rights are the issue I think most important as policy matters — because everything flows from that in my opinion. But those issues are not going to be won in the political discourse, rather in courts across America.
But Russia is what is grabbing the headlines now, and will drive Trump’s approval down. How do I know this? Well I don’t, but the polls say they will (cue your the polls were wrong! response — they weren’t but whatever.) History is clear- but if you don’t want to hear about that, that’s fine too.
Here’s a poll result -
When it comes to an investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election would you rather see (ROTATE)
An investigation led by Congress ...........................................................................15
An investigation led by an independent commission or a special prosecutor_______________.............................................78
Neither (VOL) .........................................................................................................3
Not sure ..................................................................................................................4
The view espoused by the just published story is supported by 3% of Americans. 3 PERCENT!
78 percent want an independent commission or a Special Prosecutor.
Can we stop with the stupid TYT bullshit please.
That is all.