Some responses to a comment I wrote on this story got me to thinking that it would be good to make a public pledge on will happen with my tax rebate if (God forbid) Trumpcare (AKA the “Shaft Millions of Americans so that a few Rich People Can Keep more of their Money” Act) should actually become law.
I am one of the people this law would “benefit”. That is, I am sufficiently well off that I have capital gains and such things to report each year, and I make enough money that I would likely fall into the income bracket that stands to “benefit” from the Koch Brothers’ Republicans’ latest legislation. Or if that fails, they are in any case anxious to get on with tax reform, which will probably “benefit” people like me too.
So here’s my pledge:
Whatever extra money I get back from Republicans’ machinations goes to Planned Parenthood, the organization that has been doing more than any other for women’s health, and one which we know has been in Republicans’ crosshairs for years. I already support them, but if Trumpcare passes, they will get even more. And linking that extra money to whatever largesse the Republicans end up bestowing on people who need largesse least, sends a clear message that no matter what they may do, they cannot budge us on our values.
I have been very lucky: unlike many Americans, I have never had to decide whether next month I will be paying towards the rent, a needed car repair, or my child’s medical bills. Republicans are in the process of deepening these sorts of difficulties for so many millions of people.
I imagine there are many in my position who feel the same way and have already made similar pledges. Even among the super-wealthy (which I most certainly am not) there are people with a heart: not everyone who is rich has the world view of Robert Mercer. For those who haven’t thought along these lines it would be good to get them starting to think that way, so if you are reading this and support getting more people to make such pledges, please help me out by sharing this on social media.