I like this quote, though, in particular:
In 2004, before George W. Bush’s re-election, I did a show called 'States of Heads.' It was a collection of big, blown up portraits. First, I did Bush’s crazy eyes, you know, because I felt there was such fear in his eyes, like a deer in the headlights. So my idea was to make it very evident to people. That painting was eight feet wide by four feet high. Then I proceeded to do more full portraits of people in the administration, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and then other people like Silvio Berlusconi, the Tyco guy Dennis Kozlowski, and the guy who sold nuclear secrets, A.Q. Kahn. I sort of did his head like an atom bomb.
His Trump masks are appropriately terrifying and have a, um, superficial glaze. That is not a metaphor.