Most mornings I wake up on the west coast and marvel at the useless trash heap of tweets Trump has unleashed on the world at some intemperate moment before he's molded his hair and brushed his brows for public consumption. But today was a truly special presidential moment devoted to maligning MSNBC Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski, suggesting that she somehow looked unseemly while visiting his gaudy Mara-a-Lago resort in January. As an added touch to the physical slight, Trump labeled the hosts “low I.Q. Crazy Mika” and “Psycho Joe” Scarborough. Apparently, the Don hasn't looked in the mirror lately. People who live in glass houses ...
Anyhoo, it wasn't enough for the Don to make a desperate grab for something cheery from his exceedingly fragile hell of a psyche in the isolated morning hours. The crackerjack White House press shop saw the gem in Trump's petty pathology and sent spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders on to Fox News to transform Trump's ego-driven drama into the White House message of the day. Forget the forgetful White House parade of themes—Infrastructure Week, Technology Week, Energy Week—today's gonna be “Trashy Schoolyard Cat Fight Day.” Take that, bitches!
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Look, I don't think that the president's ever been someone who gets attacked and doesn't push back. There have been an outrageous number of personal attacks, not just to him but to frankly everyone around him. People on that show have personally attacked me many times. This is a president who fights fire with fire and certainly will not be allowed to be bullied by liberal media and the liberal elites with the media or Hollywood or anywhere else.
Bill Hemmer, Fox News: I get it but is—is that necessary?
Huckabee Sanders: Look, I think what's necessary is to push back against unnecessary attacks on the president both personally—I have seen far worse things come out of that show. Again, directed not just at the president but everyone around him. Personal attacks. Mean, hateful attacks. And again this president isn't going to sit back and not push back and he's going to fight fire with fire and I think that's exactly what he did today.
Because everyone knows that the best way to counter “mean, hateful attacks” is by taking the low road—and by low, we mean an otherwordly place for which we have no geographical coordinates but is clearly inhabited by extraterrestrial vermin heretofore unknown to man.
And so it wasn't just another day with our shadow boxer of a president bobbing, weaving, and swinging at the phantom demons in his head while saner voices in the White House tried to downplay or ignore his diseased brain. No, it wasn't. Instead the whole White House just followed the mad hatter down his wretched rabbit hole and dragged the country with it kicking and screaming.
Every day is an exercise in something more hideously freakish than the day before.
Welp—9:37 a.m. PT. Time for a second cup of coffee.