Campaign Action
There should be sirens going off in Republican offices all over Capitol Hill this week over the fact that the Senate will be voting as soon as Tuesday on a secret health care bill that remains a mystery, hasn't been fully analyzed by either the Congressional Budget Office or the Senate Parliamentarian, has had no hearings, terrifies the health insurance industry as well as the nation's physicians, and is supported by just 13 percent of the public. Seriously, 13 percent.
That bill is less popular than the so-far hypothetical impeachment of popular vote loser Donald Trump—the very guy they'll be passing this disastrous health care repeal bill for.
Just six months after his inauguration, Americans already are split down the middle, 42%-42%, over whether President Trump should be removed from office, a new USA TODAY/iMediaEthics Poll finds. […]
While no serious effort is now underway in Congress to impeach Trump, the results underscore how quickly political passions have become inflamed both for and against the outsider candidate who won last year's campaign in a surprise. A third of those surveyed say they would be upset if Trump is impeached; an equal third say they would be upset if he's not.
Those findings, designed to measure the intensity of opinion, also show a perfect divide, 34%-34%.
You want to see intensity? Kick 15 or 18 million people off of their health insurance next year, an election year. Current Republican lawmakers would do well to listen a former Republican lawmaker, former Sen. David Durenberger, who worked on health care for the nearly 20 years he was in the Senate. "There will be no hiding this vote," he warns them. Will they heed his advice?
Make your Republican senator feel the heat. Call their office EVERY DAY at (202) 224-3121 to demand that they say NO to repealing Obamacare and ripping health care away from millions of Americans. After your call, tell us how it went.