This is just coming down. Taco trucks and fruterias on every corner of Maricopa County!
Arizona Central reports:
On Monday, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton found Arpaio guilty of criminal contempt of court, finding that he willfully violated a federal judge's order. [...]
Bolton’s ruling follows a five-day June and July trial, in which Department of Justice prosecutors argued that the 85-year-old had intentionally flouted a federal judge’s orders halting Arpaio’s signature immigration round-ups.
Sheriff Joe’s criminal behavior extends far beyond what this case could handle, but, not unlike other famed gangsters like Al Capone, sometimes you’d rather get the bad guys on something rather than nothing. Arpaio’s infamous “Tent City” has already been closed down, as time marches forward, Sheriff Joe and his “legacy” will turn to dust.
Sentencing won’t happen until October 5. Realistically, Joe will get six months max, and at 85 he'll never be sentenced to slam time. But Sheriff Joe and the anti-immigrant apparatus he is a huge proponent of has shown no mercy for veterans, for parents and families of undocumented people being detained and deported—so screw Sheriff Joe. I hope he spends his last days in a prison learning all about “the full extent of the law.”