Donald Trump finally gives a tepid two-faced response to the vehicular homicide incident in Charlotteville, NC today ...
"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides," Trump said during a short statement from his private golf club in New Jersey. "It has been going on for a long time in our country [...] “
Trump ought to know.
He was a main instigator of this kind of hate — until he had to issue a “pro-forma” retraction about the “racial hatred” that he once happily spread, like manure at a neighborhood block party.
Washington (CNN) – Self-proclaimed birther Donald Trump is now so doubtful of President Obama's birthplace that he's sent a team of his own investigators to Hawaii in hopes of getting to the bottom of the issue.
That's according to Trump himself, who, in an interview with NBC, warned his investigators just might uncover "one of the greatest cons in the history of politics and beyond."
"I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump said an interview that aired Thursday Morning.
by David Eldridge, The Washington Times — April 10, 2011
Would-be 2012 Republican nominee Donald Trump is riding doubts about President Obama’s birth certificate to the front of the party’s presidential contender field, the latest sign that the long-standing fringe controversy is going mainstream.
The New York real estate magnate and reality show star, fresh off a Wall Street Journal poll that shows him tied for second among Republican voters as their choice for the presidential nominee, jumped back into the “birther” controversy Sunday.
“Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate? The fact is, if he wasn’t born in this country, he shouldn’t be the president of the United States,” the billionaire developer said in a CNN interview that aired Sunday. The Constitution requires that the president be a “natural-born citizen.
by Seamus McGraw, TODAY contributor — 4/7/2011
Billionaire landlord, hotel magnate, television star and self-described Tea Partier Donald Trump is turning up the heat on President Barack Obama, insisting that after three weeks of probing the question, he is now more convinced than ever that the president has failed to prove he is a citizen of the United States.
“Three weeks ago when I started, I thought he was probably born in this country,” Trump, who is very publicly mulling his own run for the Republican nomination for president in 2012, told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira. “Right now, I have some real doubts.”
Well, once Trump won the Nomination, he tried to erase his 5+ years of spewing Hate, by:
1) Blaming Hillary,
2) Taking credit for “ending Birtherism”, and
3) Mutely admitting Barack Obama, was indeed an American Citizen, born in America, afterall.
All that, without so much as an Apology … to anyone … to any of those “many sides”.
So which “side” is Donald Trump on now? (of those “many, many sides” ...)
With the side of Inclusion — or with the side of Hate and Bigotry, at any cost. Even the cost vehicular homicide terror?
If his statement today is any guide — Donald Trump is on the side, he is always on
— his own — whatever answer is “best for Donald Trump”, that is the side Donald will always choose, until current circumstances give him cause to choose another.
Right vs Wrong, apparently have nothing to do with it.
From his actions, his statements and deeds — it is plainly apparent, that the man has No Such Moral Compass.
Never has; never will.