Well, that didn’t take long. Bannon was shown the door approximately 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time and Axios has updated their coverage twice since then.Kudos to Johnathan Swan for calling this shot right:
Steve Bannon's next moves will be all about the billionaire Mercer family. I'm told Bannon, who visited New York this week, met with Bob Mercer and together they will be a well-funded force on the outside.
- Bannon has felt liberated since it became clear he was being pushed out, according to friends. He's told associates he has a "killing machine" in Breitbart News, and it's possible he returns to lead their editorial operation.
Steve Bannon is in fine fettle this afternoon as he contemplates a reunion with his killing machine. Swan quotes him as saying that Breitbart is going to “go thermonuclear against the globalists.” That no doubt includes Bannon’s favorite “globalist cuck” Jared Kushner. Now that Bannon’s out of the White House the gloves are off and Axios reports that Jared and Ivanka, H.R. McMaster, Dina Powell and Gary Cohn have all been named as being targets “in this war, which has already begun.”
Breitbart and Bannon are damning the torpedos, going full throttle, ahead, all the nautical and land war terms you can think of.
Bear in mind that Trump is attempting to play both sides against the middle with the Bannon firing. 1. Outlets, such as the Oregonian, have reported that Bannon was fired because he called white nationalists “a bunch of clowns” and “losers” in his interview with American Prospect.
2. Trump also is playing the angle that Bannon was fired because he’s a white nationalist, and his going is meant as a gesture to appease Congress that Trump is stepping away and disassociating himself from the radical fringe elements of his base.
Obviously Trump can’t have his cake and eat it too. It will be interesting to see what posture he takes on white supremacy in the near future. As to what the Mercers and Bannon will do — keep a sharp look out, mate.