The Times editorial board has been sharply critical of the Trump presidency, on grounds of policy and personal conduct. Not all readers have been persuaded. In the spirit of open debate, and in hopes of helping readers who agree with us better understand the views of those who don’t, we wanted to let Mr. Trump’s Nazi, Anti-Semitic and just plain old garden-variety racist supporters make the case for spreading their hatred among the general population as the first year of his presidency approaches its close. We’ll also solicit the opinions of domestic terrorists, mass shooters, sexists, “men's rights” advocates and other biased or disturbed individuals who routinely threaten women, people of color, journalists, and their children by spray-painting “Trump” on school walls, burning mosques, advocating the extermination of Jews and other public expressions of bigotry, and posting hateful malevolent messages on social media designed to intimidate and cause fear among those who criticize Mr. Trump, his actions, and the actions of those he has appointed.
We’ll hear from those who advocate forcefully tearing apart families of immigrants, cutting off medical care to children and the elderly, curtailing or eliminating womens’ reproductive choices, forcing the poor to endure drug testing and housing and lending discrimination, intimidating and encouraging bias crimes against the LGBT community, demonizing Federal Judges, protecting rapists on campus, polluting or selling off our national lands to mining companies, drilling without regulation off our coastlines, re-introducing poisons and carcinogens into our household products and drinking water, gutting scientific research into the cause of climate change, rewarding giant telecoms for blocking equal access to the internet, abandoning Americans to suffer and die after horrific natural disasters, draining resources from our public schools, disenfranchising and suppressing voters, insulting our historic allies, indiscriminately threatening nuclear war, gutting Medicare and Social Security, attacking the First Amendment and conspiring with hostile foreign powers to distort and nullify our electoral process.
Above all we want to hear how white Americans from the heartland who have felt the sting of economic stresses and rampant opioid addiction explain how they plan to benefit from gargantuan tax cuts to CEO’s, corporations and the nation’s wealthiest individuals, and how building a 70 Billion dollar wall across our southern border will solve all their problems.
In doing so we in no way intend to ratify or authorize their opinions or give them a platform for any incidental expressions of ignorance, greed or hatred. As always, it is the interests of solid, reputable journalism that remain our touchstone and guiding principle as we strive to maintain the highest standards of integrity.
It’s time to join the conversation!
The New York Times