Against the backdrop of a book confirming that Donald Trump is wildly unfit to hold office (not to mention the nuclear codes), Republican lawmakers dug in their heels this week and doubled down on keeping Trump right where he is—in the Oval Office.
In perhaps one of the most coordinated episodes of their entire tenure of single-party rule, House Republicans began a campaign to end their own Russia probe and oust Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Senate Republicans recommended the indictment of a key Trump-Russia whistleblower, the Justice Department decided to reinvestigate Hillary Clinton's email use, and the FBI is taking aim at the Clinton Foundation—again.
It boggles the mind, but rather than sitting on their hands while special counsel Robert Mueller works his way through his investigation into Team Trump's Russia ties, and then perhaps using that outcome as cause to replace Trump with a more sane Oval Office occupant—Republicans are inextricably strapping themselves to this ticking human time bomb. Check out just a few of these headlines from the first full week of 2018:
What this all amounts to is an effort to shut down a legitimate investigation into the pr*sident, unjustly clear his name, investigate his investigators, oust anyone who doesn’t meet his loyalty tests, and jail his political opponents.
If that isn’t a step toward naked fascism, I don’t know what is.